Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The special gift of being a mum

Life is funny sometimes. When I look back at life when I was single, or newly married, I wonder how I filled it. It felt busy, rushing around seeing friends, going to dinner, playing sport, sleeping in... How that has changed with 2 beautiful little ones in our lives!

Life is more packed, yet slower. I know that sounds contradictory, but you have to slow down with kids. Time spent talking over breakfast, and packing school lunches, making block towers or reading books before bedtime takes priority over washing, doing the accounts or grocery shopping. That is where it tends to get busy - that mad rush between the kids going to bed and my crashing on the couch at night!

Yet, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being a mother. Seeing life through the eyes of a child. Feeling their arms wrapped around your neck and kissing you good night. It swells your heart until your body feels like it will burst. Unconditional love and trust.

Being a mum has made me a better person and I have a much better perspective on life. Yet I can't help but worry for them, and every other child I see in the street - are they cold, are they happy, do they feel loved? The rewards of parenthood comes with its burden too!

My 5 year old daughter is more excited about mother's day than I am this year. Each day she tells me something else that I can do this year for Mother's Day 'Mummy, we can sit at the proper dining table and have candles', or 'Mummy, we will give you an extra special cuddle'. Her excitement makes it fun, and makes it much more real. It seems that I have already had my gift for Mother's Day.