Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A dog's best friend - a chat with Cathy Craw, Welfare Manager Hobart Dogs' Home

Cathy Craw was one of those lucky kids. Growing up in Kingston, her family had a property in beautiful Kaoota with lots of animals: ducks and chooks, a Shetland pony and then a Welsh pony.  There was one pet however that Cathy always wanted but didn't have.... a dog.  Since then however, Cathy has made up for lost time!

First, it was bringing strays home from the Kingston area, and finding them new homes.  Then it was taking dogs into her apartment in Singapore and socialising them; and fostering dogs in the United States when her husband and two children moved there from Singapore.  Her time with the fostering program in America would later provide invaluable experience for her return to Australia.

When the family returned to Tasmania, Cathy got involved with the Hobart Dogs' home as a volunteer dog walker.  Her role expanded to dog masseur, when she did completed a pet massage course in Victoria to help rehabilitate her own dog, and she needed to build her practical hours! 

She was soon working 1 day a week as a fundraising coordinator, when the Dogs' Home secured a grant to start a fostering program.  'I'd been talking so long about the fostering program, they told me that I should set it up'.  So, she quit her job and took it on.  That was 3 years ago, and the Dogs' Home now has over 100 foster carers across the south and north west of Tasmania. 

The foster program puts dogs with a carer for a short time, typically 8-10 weeks.  It may help them socialise, recover from surgery, or just give them a break.  It also means that the Dogs' Home can care for even more dogs. 

Cathy's greatest reward?  Seeing a dog, that has lost hope, regain hope and trust.  Seeing a dog start a new life.  That is priceless.

Not surprisingly, Cathy and her family have 2 dogs at home.  They also however have 2 fish which Cathy rescued from a stall at Salamanca.  'The fish were almost belly up, and I wasn't sure whether they'd survive,' she says. It sounds like Cathy's compassion for animals is universal. 

The Dogs' Homes of Tasmania
The Dogs' Home has centres in Devonport, Burnie and Hobart, and they all have dogs looking for a new home. 

When you adopt a dog from the Dogs' Home, you save two dogs - one that comes home with you, and one new dog that can be looked after by the Dogs' Home.

How you can help:
Each centre relies upon the assistance of dedicated volunteers: dog walking, dog washing, administration, or assisting with events.  If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact the Dogs' Home near you.  They would also welcome donations of towels, blankets, toys and treats for their dogs.  For more information, check out their profile on Your Market Place:  Dogs' Homes of Tasmania