Acting was always going to figure in Sara's life. Born to parents who met and fell in love on the stage in England, Sara moved with her family to Tasmania when she was six. She studied drama at Rosny College, a year behind Essie Davis and John X, and is a qualified infant and drama teacher.

A neck injury while touring for Terrapin, forced a change in direction. Sara's passion for acting and desire to create opportunities for local acting talent led to the creation of Cooper Screen Academy. It links young performaers with professionals in the industry - and develops skills and confidence so our young actors can maximise their opportunities.
At least once a year, Sara will bring accomplished actors to Hobart so people can learn from them directly. Tim Pocock, who starred with Hugh Jackman in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, will be in Hobart on 23 June; another actor with an established TV career will be coming down later this year.
It's a formula paying dividends for her students. Over the last 2 years, 85 successful castings have come from Cooper Screen Academy students. One past student is studying in Hollywood, another in London. One has an agent in Sydney, while others are involved in advertising, such as the 'Save a Mainlander' tourism campaign. 'I now have people coming directly to the Academy to source people', she says. No small accolade.
So why does Sara Cooper love acting? The challenge and the change. 'You never feel like you've completely nailed it', says Sara. 'It is such a challenge, and let's face it, it is always changing because you get to play different roles. I don't think I could stand having a 9-5 job'. Thank goodness she doesn't. Sara has much more important work to do.
Screen Academy, together with Village Cinemas is running a Q&A with Tim
Pocock star of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Dance Academy and Home and Away, as
well as workshops and a free Win Breakfast with Tim at Gold Class competition on
23-24 June.