Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Talent. Art. Passion. Meet Josie Allyson Birchall

There may have been some who thought Josie Allyson Birchall was brave when she left a good job as a graphic designer to start a Diploma of Contemporary Art. Josie Allyson Birchall however believes that if you have a dream, then you've got to hold onto it and go for it.

From the way that her paintings seem to forge a connection with people, we are fortunate that she took that different path! At a group exhibition in November last year at the Mill Providore and Gallery, Josie sold six of her seven paintings - and her following continues to grow.

Josie's style may be described as a little quirky and original. Reflecting her own experiences and emotions, each piece is also personal. Josie likes her paintings to have their own story or narrative, and she often includes little clues or symbols for interpretation. In the end however Josie paints for herself first. 'I don't know if I could capture the essence and emotion if I was just painting for someone else' says Josie.

It was almost by accident that Josie got into painting; she actually majored in printmaking in her TAFE Diploma and only dabbled in painting. From there however, with the encouragement of one of her teachers, Josie moved to painting as her chosen medium.

So how did it feel when you sold your first painting? 'It was such a buzz' laughs Josie. My first painting was sold before the opening night of a group exhibition. It was so satisfying to know that people were responding to my painting, willing to go with something a little risky'.

Not surprisingly, in the future Josie would like to paint full time and live near the coast. 'It is something I've always had a strong feeling about; wanting to be near the water and paint'. Sounds like a worthy ambition to me.

If you'd like to see some more of Josie's incredible range of work, you can see her profile at Your Market Place:

You can also visit her FaceBook page on:!/josie.allyson.birchall.artist